Query Result Set

This page displays the list of items that satisfy the conditions of the Search query. It displays the details of each item, such as bibliography, Cardex information, multi media links, Circulation information and loose issues information etc. 20 items are displayed per page but you can change this value using the drop down list available at the top of the page.

This Page is available in 2 Views: Classic View and Modern View

To select the Classic view of the Query Result Set page, uncheck the check box Modern View. Selecting the checkbox Modern View will display the modern view of the query result set page.

Classic View:

This view displays the results of the search in a tabular form. The bibliographic information of each item is displayed.

If the selected item has multimedia links then an indication of this is provided on the page. The links themselves are available on the item details page from where they may be accessed.

The circulation information of all the copies of the item is also displayed in this page. A link is displayed on the accession number if all copies of the item have been issued out and you can click on this link to reserve the item.

Modern View:

This view displays all the bibliographic information for each item including publisher, keywords, media links etc. A cover page image is displayed on the left for every item along with its Card ID number when it is available. If an image is not available a computed image showing the bibliographic information can be displayed instead.

The library can manage the display of this bibliographic information by modifying the file ModernViewDetailInfo.xml file. (The file is available at path: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\W27\App_Data on WebOPAC server machine). This file contains a key for each item of the bibliography, with an attribute toDisplay. The value of this attribute may be set to 1 or 0 depending on whether the item should be displayed in WebOPAC or not.

The library can also manage the display of columns in the Circulation grid by modifying the file CircGridColumnSpecs.xml file. (The file is available at path: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\W27\App_Data on WebOPAC server machine).  This file contains a key for each column of circulation grid with attributes caption, visibleInModernView, visibleInItemDetails.  To change the caption of column headings, set the desired caption values in the Caption attribute. To manage display of any column in circulation grid of query result set or item details page, set values of attributes visibleInModernView, visibleInItemDetails to 1 or 0 respectively.

The library can manage the display of computed bibliographic book cover images in latest 10 items, query result set and item details page of WebOPAC by modifying settings in w27Settings.xml file (The file is available at path: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\W27\App_Data on WebOPAC server machine).

·         The setting ComputeCoverImage controls whether a computed book cover image will be displayed if no book cover image is available. Set the value of the setting to Yes to show the computed bibliographic book cover image in the results list as well as item details page. Set the value of setting ComputeCoverImage to No to stop showing the bibliographic book cover image. Instead, a standard ‘No Image Available’ image will be displayed.

·         The setting ShowCoverImageInResultSet controls whether cover images will be displayed in the results page and item details page. Set the value to Yes/No to display the cover images, actual or computed, or not.

·         If the setting SaveComputedCoverImage is set to Yes the computed bibliographic book cover image will be saved in the standard folder of WebOPAC so that the same saved image will be used next time. This results in an improvement in performance and is the recommended setting if you wish to display computed cover images.

In the Modern view the titles of the items are displayed in a larger size font than the other bibliographic data so that they are easier to identify immediately. Secondly, the color of the title will change when the mouse hovers over it and also after the title is clicked to view the item details page. This will make it easier for users to identify the items whose details they have already checked.

This page also displays the copies information like, physical location, call number, current circulation status of copies of an item.

If a rating is available for the book, this too will be displayed. Logged in users can rate the book and provide a review in the Item details page. A link for this purpose is available. All the reviews are also displayed in the Item Details page.

If the selected item has multimedia links then these will be displayed in this page. You may click on the hyperlink to access the linked pages.  If Videos, PDF, or doc files are associated with the item, then when the media link is clicked, the file will be downloaded on machine. To view the file, open it in corresponding viewer e.g. open PDF in Acrobat reader. The program required to open the file must be available on the client machine.

There are additional links available to add the item to a collection by adding it to the Cart, to Reserve the item, to Export the item etc…

Google Preview:

If the book from search result page is available on https://books.google.com, then a Google preview button will be displayed. You can see the content and preview of that book in a dialog.

QR Code:

Scan the QR code to save information about the book to share with others. You can get information about the Title, Author, Call number and the  publication information of the book.

If dColl module is implemented –

User can search in selected library collection.

To search in all the specified collections of Library; click the image for ‘All’ collection in home page of WebOPAC. Searching in ‘All’ collection shows the cards in SLIM21 data for searched word as well the full text search result with files containing searched word.

To search in library main collection only, click the image for ‘Main’ collection in home page of WebOPAC. Searching in ‘Main’ collection shows the search result from in SLIM21 data only.

To search in library digital collection only, click the image for ‘Digital’ collection in home page of WebOPAC. Searching in ‘Digital’ collection shows the full text search result with files containing searched word.



If Videos are associated with a card, links to the video are displayed in the media links for that card. Clicking that link, the video is opened in another tab of the web browser. If a card with video link is having item type specified in preference setting Item Type for Videos, a video symbol is displayed on the left instead of cover image. Clicking this symbol, it plays the video in another tab of web browser.

If a PDF file is associated with a card as a media link, clicking the link through media link or full text search results, opens PDF file in another tab of web browser. Users are able to only view this PDF file. They are not able to download/save or print the PDF.