My Information


My Info menu on the homepage will allow a user to see his or her account information.  For this you need to Log in. To Log in as a user, click My Info on the home page. Type the User ID and Password and click Log In. The default password is “MEMBER”. To change your password, click Password. Type New Password, Reconfirm Password and click Submit. Following operations are possible for the Logged in Borrower:

          a)      My Info

Options like Loans, Project Loans, Claims, Approvals, Proposed items will appear on the page. To view your loans, click Loans. To reissue the item, click Reissue button for the respective accession number. Once the item is reissued by borrower, reissue button gets disabled and font displays in the gray colour. A message gets displayed as ‘As required by you, this item has been renewed. The new return date is <Due date> .Thank you for your time.’ To view project loans, click Project Loans. To view your reservations, click Claims. To cancel the claim, click Cancel button in the last column. Clicking on the title hyperlink of the item, you will see Library Map, Circulation details and Reservations for that item. Similarly, you can view details by clicking Approvals, Proposed items options present on the same page. If you have any fines due for item, you will get the value of fines due far above Loans. In Loans, you will get the Fine due now for that particular Loan.

b) My Readings

To view the details of the books, that the logged in borrower has read earlier, click My Readings. To view the log, you can specify number of days and the item types and click Apply. E.g. If you select the number of days as 30, the result set will show the title, author and read count of items read by the logged in borrower in the last 30 days.

c) My Proposals

This facility is used to view items proposed by you. The status and approvers remark gets displayed on screen.

d) Interesting

You get the list of books in which you are interested as per the subjects of interest you have mentioned in the next option.

 e) My Subjects

Allow you to select subjects of your interest so that option “Interesting” will list items of your subjects of interest.

 f) Propose

This option displays a form that will enable you to submit a new proposal. The title and remark are necessary fields to submit a new proposal. Other optional information such as author, publisher, ISBN number etc. can also be provided.

 g) Submit New

This facility is used to submit new articles or other digital items to the library. The title and hyperlink description are necessary fields to submit new item. The user can browse for files that are to be uploaded. The other optional information such as author, publisher etc. can also be provided.

 h) Password

This facility is used to change the password. The new password should be given twice as New Password and Reconfirm Password. Both passwords must be same.

 i) My Rules

To view the Lending Policies applicable to you, click My Rules.

 j) About me

To view the information about you, click About Me.

 k) Log Out

To end the session, click Logout.