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Call Number590/MaC
Title ProperKoalas and Cheetahs
AuthorMacLeod, Elizabeth ;  Smyth, Alia
PublicationUSA,  Scholastic,  1998.
Description96p   Yellow Spine
SeriesGetting to know Nature's Children
NoteBriefly describes the physical characteristics, habitat and behavior of cheetahs and koalas.
NoteWhere the word koala comes from?
How a young koala calls for help?
Koala's relatives
Where they live?
Do they live in dens?
Whether they like company?
How big an adult koala is?
Koala's tail
If koala's have a good sense of smell?
What makes them good climbers?
Where do they spend most of their life?
Can koalas swim?
If koalas are picky eaters?
How much a koala eats?
What do they smell like?
Where do they sleep?
How koalas beat the heat?
What kind of noises they make?
If male koalas help raise the babies?
What a newborn koala looks like?
How long a bbay stays in the mother's pouch?
How young koalas get around?
When young koalas set out on their own?
If baby cheetahs like to play?
Cheetah's relatives
DIfference between cheetah and other cats?
Where do they live?
How big they can grow?
Why the cheetah has a apotted coat?
How fast can they run?
Why does it have such a long tail?
Do cheetahs live alone or in groups?
How a cheetah stays clean?
If they take baths?
What cheetahs eat?
How they hunt?
How long it takes a cheetah to catch its prey?
How a cheetah finds a mate?
How many babies a mother cheetah has?
What newborn cheetahs look like?
When a cheetah cub begins to walk?
How do they learn to hunt?
When are they ready to leave home?
How long cheetahs live?
If a cheetah has any enemies?
Standard Number0717266869
Price. QualificationRs.250(Hb)
Classification Number590
Key WordsKoalas ;  Cheetahs

Accession#Call#Current LocationStatusPolicyLocation
005242590/MaCMainOn ShelfGeneral